

Clove is an extremely aromatic crop commonly used as a spice. Trees of the clove are evergreen with crimson flowers among large leaves on a plant generally measuring 8 to 12 meters in height.

Ginger Roots

The rhizome of the ginger plant is referred to as a root and is used as a spice in cooking and as a pickled vegetable. The knobby, fibrous mature root has a light yellowish brown skin when fresh.



Dried Chilli

Many studies show that dried Chilli or hot pepper has the following health advantage to human being: Improves Digestive Health and Metabolism Alleviates Migraines ...

Cumin Seed

Cumin is the dried seed of the herb Cuminumcyminum, a member of the parsleyfamily. The cumin plant grows to 30–50 cm (0.98–1.6 ft) tall and is harvested by hand. It is an annual herbaceous plant, with a slender, branched stem 20–30 cm tall.

Coriander Seed

Coriander is a spice produced from the round, tan-colored seeds of the coriander plant (Coriandrumsativum), which is a member of the parsley family.